DATE 07.08 - 18.08.2023 (12 days)
GENRE Birds, mammals and landscapes
TOUR LEADER Michael Westerbjerg Andersen. The language we speak on our tours is either/and English, German and one of the Scandinavian languages.
FEE From 4,698 USD pr. person in shared DBL room from Ulaanbaatar. From 4 to 14 participants: 4 pax: 6,998 USD pr. person in shared DBL room, 5-6 pax: 5,998 USD pr. person in shared DBL room, 7 pax: 5,598 USD pr. person in shared DBL room, 8-9 pax: 5,350 USD pr. person in shared DBL room, 10 pax: 5,150 USD pr. person in shared DBL room, 11-12 pax: 4,975 USD pr. person in shared DBL room,10 pax: 5,150 USD pr. person in shared DBL room and 12-14 pax: 4,698 USD pr. person in shared DBL room,
SINGLE SUPPL. 850 USD for a single room
DEPOSIT 1,000 USD pr. person
VISA Yes - Information when booking the tour
VACCINATION (pr.03.03.2024; can change): Yes, against COVID-19 (If no vaccination PCR-test might be needed). Miksture will keep updating
GROUP SIZE Min. 4, max. 14 participants ​
This expedition is a round-trip from central to western Mongolia. We focus on mammals and birdlife, visiting the Altai Mnts for Snow leopard, and include Hustai NP for birds and Pallas Cat.
Miksture possess one of the world’s highest success rates when it comes to finding a wild Snow Leopard. We have searched and found Snow leopards in Kyrgyzstan since 2001, and now include Mongolia.
Mongolia is a 'must for serious wildlife enthusiasts and photographers
We have made Snow leopard expeditions since 2001 and with increasingly success; however never guaranteed. Mongolia (and Ladakh) is at present the best place (in the World to watch this mythical creature. Miksture made a very successful expedition to the area in November 2022, and observed both Snow leopard and Pallas Cat. All details are fixed and ready. We have negotiated with the people that are able to give Miksture access to one of the unique areas in Mongolia. On this expedition, we travel deep into the heart of the Snow Leopards Kingdom, and with the expertise of our team, our chances for an encounter are raised from virtually impossible to reasonable. This tour offers you unique opportunities to photograph and watch Mongolian wildlife.
After arrival in the capital Ulaanbaatar, we fly to Mongolia’s remote west in a quest of the elusive Snow Leopards in the pristine wilderness of the majestic Altai Mountains, which is home to roughly 20% of the world’s estimated population. There is other iconic wildlife, including Pallas Cat, Mongolian Saiga, Siberian Ibex, Long-eared Hedgehog, Pallid Ground Squirrel, Midday Jird, Mongolian Five-toed Jerboa, Gobi Jerboa, Corsac Fox, Argali and more. The area boasts some of the interesting Central Asian bird specialties like Altai Snowcock, Henderson’s Ground-Jay, Pallas’s Sandgrouse, Saker Falcon, Lammergeier, Cinereous, and more. In addition, birding above 3,000 meters above sea level will be one of the best experiences this trip has to offer. Many unexpected Siberian migrants might appear on the way.
This is expedition-style to a rough world. There are no dangerous aspects or unsafe things awaiting the traveller. We just must emphasize that this tour truly is a wildlife photographic expedition where the environments such as changing climate and harsh roads really demands patience and understanding of the concept by you - the traveller! We simply cannot predict the weather, circumstances, and we cannot tell exactly when we arrive or how long we will be on the road. However, what we can predict, and promise is a visit to a truly magnificent experience and area, and an adventure in the western Mongolia only few people have experienced. In addition, we promise an experienced staff, enough and tasty food, and fantastic nature and wildlife! Accommodation in a community-based ger camp run by Mongolian nomads.
​Joining one of our expeditions, you are going to have the very best opportunities to watch and photograph the wildlife and pristine landscapes. ​In Miksture, we enjoy comfortable accommodation and cuisine, but most important: We enjoys the maximum amount of time in the field and ee will be in the field positioning ourselves for the opportunities of a lifetime!
Breathtaking mountainous landscapes of Mongolian Altai with snow-capped peaks, alpine lakes, meadows, and rivers
Enigmatic Snow Leopards along with cryptic Pallas’s Cat as well as charismatic Mongolian Saiga, Argali, Siberian Ibex, Przewalski’s Wild Horse, Corsac Fox, Black-tailed and Mongolian Gazelles, and more
Mongolian Altai Bird Specialties: Altai Snowcock, Lammergeier, Himalayan Vulture, Golden and Steppe Eagles, Saker Falcon, White-winged Redstart, White-winged Snowfinch, Brown Accentor, Water Pipit & Grey-necked Bunting
Lakes and Rivers: Swan Goose, Bar-headed Goose, Red-crested Pochard, Arctic Loon, Demoiselle Crane, Mongolian Gull, White-headed Duck, Pallas’s Gull, Azure Tit, White-crowned Penduline-tit, Rosy Starling, White-headed Yellow Wagtail, Long-tailed Rosefinch;
Steppes of Hustai and Altanbulag: Amur Falcon, Saker Falcon, Cinereous Vulture, Upland Buzzard, Steppe Eagle, Hill Pigeon, Mongolian Lark, Small Snowfinch;
Stay in the community-based ger camp run by Mongolian noma
Maximum amount of time in the field, positioning ourselves for the wildlife watching and photo opportunities of a lifetime!
Breathtaking landscapes and Shinto architectural, cultural photo opportunities
Hundreds of spectacular images of landscapes and wildlife
Flexible, with plenty of time and respect for your photographing and mammal- and birdwatching
Expert tour leader with 25+ years expedition experience
KEY MAMMALS Snow Leopard, Pallas’s Cat, Wolf, Przewalski’s Wild Horse, Mongolian Saiga, Siberian Ibex, Daurian Pika, Long-tailed Ground Squirrel, Alpine Pika, Pallas’s Pika, Tolai Hare, Mongolian Marmot, Corsac Fox, Red Fox, Steppe Polecat, Argali, Long-eared Hedgehog, Pallid Ground Squirrel, Midday Jird, Mongolian Five-toed Jerboa, Gobi Jerboa, Tarbagan Marmot, Brandt’s Vole, Mongolian Gazelle and Asian Wapit, etc.
KEY BIRDS Altai Snowcock, Henderson’s Ground-Jay, Pallas’s Sandgrouse, Saker Falcon, Pallas’s Gull, Lammergeier, Himalayan Griffon, Golden and Steppe Eagles, Upland Buzzard, Saker Falcon, White-winged Redstart, White-winged Snowfinch, Mandarin & Falcated Ducks, Amur Falcon, Demoiselle Crane, Pacific Swift, Azure-winged Magpie, White-crowned Penduline-tit, White-cheeked Starling, Red-throated Thrush, Yellow-breasted Bunting (rare), Chukar, Hill Pigeon, Little owl, Pére David's Snowfinch, Richards Pipit, Blyth's Pipit, Meadow Bunting, Mongolian Lark, Isabelle Wheatear, Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Saker Falcon, Eurasian Crag-Martin, Sulphur-bellied Warbler, Altai, Brown & Mongolian Accentors, Rock Sparrow, White-winged Snowfinch, Mongolian Finch, Godlewski's and Gray-necked Buntings, Water Pipit, Swan Goose, Bar-headed Goose, Red-crested Pochard, Arctic Loon, Mongolian Gull, White-headed Duck, Pallas’s Gull, Azure Tit, Rosy Starling, White-headed Yellow Wagtail, Long-tailed Rosefinch, Pallas's Grasshopper-Warbler, White-headed Duck, Long-toed Stint, Red-necked Stint, White-winged Tern, Long-legged Buzzard, Paddy-field Warbler, Pallas's Grasshopper-Warbler, Desert Wheatear, and Pied Wheatear, etc.
HABITATS COVERED Mountains, desert, steppe and semi-desert plains
EXPECTED CLIMATE Continental climate zone. Mongolia is the ‘Land of Blue Sky’, the nickname comes from the number of sunny days throughout the year in the country – two-thirds of the year. Temperatures should be relatively moderate and skies are usually brilliantly clear. The days will usually be sunny and cool, and pleasant. Nights will be considerably cooler after the sunset. The temperature should be lower in the mountains and rain is possible. In Altai, the summers are comfortable and partly cloudy and it is dry year round. Windy. July temperatures are warm and even hot—daytime highs often reach 75 °F (24 °C), sometimes up to 104 °F (40 °C) on the lower slopes—but summers are short and cool in most higher elevations
TOUR PACE & WALKING Moderate. We designed this trip to involve the least possible strenuous walks and treks throughout the trip. Depending on the sighting, we might ask you to walk a maximum of 2 km on comparatively flat terrain. The average altitude is between 1,500 – 3,200 meters above sealevel
ACCOMMODATION We will stay in the 3-4**** hotels in Ulaanbaatar. These hotels might be just below the international standard, but clean and comfortable. We will stay in a community-based ger camp when we explore Altai in pursuit of the Snow Leopards. The campsite is heavenly located on the mountain slope, facing the sublime scenery in all directions. The average altitude of the camp and its surroundings is 2,000 m above sea level. The camp provides clean and comfortable traditional Mongolian gers with two beds. The gers will be heated by a stove. The toilet with European style will be secured in the secluded area of the campsite. There will be a place to wash hands and face and a shower room
ELECTRICITY AND POWER SOURCES We have limited electric power in the community-based ger camp, which provides electrical power (220 Kv) between 18:00 – 21:00 with the help of a generator. The common socket type is type E. The recently built buildings have the combination of Type G and Type E.
FOOD breakfasts, 11 lunches, and 11 dinners are include during your stay in Mongolia. Our cook in the community-based camp will cater to your special food requirements. Please let us know your dietary requirements in advance so that we can prepare the supplies accordingly. We will provide our guests with fresh fruits every day. However, the meals in the camp might lack a variety compared to the European standards. There will always be hot drinks and snacks
OTHER ATTRACTIONS spectacular scenery and Mongolian culture
SCHEDULED 2024 DEPARTURE 07.08 - 18.08 2023
Tour Leader: Michael Westerbjerg Andersen
Tour price (per person): from USD 4,698
We advise participants to arrive latest early evening of August) or a day earlier in Mongolia. For hotels recommendations, we will advise participants on request.
Day 1 Meeting point Ulaanbaatar International Airport. Place and time to be announced to participants. After meeting, transfer to centre of the capital Ulaanbaatar. Overnight in hotel. LD
Day 2 Domestic flight to Hovd and transfer to Mongolian Altai. BLD
Day 3-8 Mongolian Altai including Great Lakes. BLD
Day 9 Domestic flight back to Ulaanbaatar and transfer to Hustai National Park. BLD
Day 10 Hustai National Park (Pallas’s Cat). BLD
Day 11 Ulaanbaatar. BLD
Day 12 Flight home. Tour concludes. B

Costs: From 4 to 14 participants: From 4,725 USD pr. person in shared DBL room. 4 pax: 6,998 USD pr. person in shared DBL room, 5-6 pax: 5,998 USD pr. person in shared DBL room, 7 pax: 5,598 USD pr. person in shared DBL room, 8-9 pax: 5,350 USD pr. person in shared DBL room, 10 pax: 5,150 USD pr. person in shared DBL room,
11-12 pax: 4,975 USD pr. person in shared DBL room,10 pax: 5,150 USD pr. person in shared DBL room and 12-14 pax: 4,698 USD pr. person in shared DBL room,
Single supplement: 850 USD
Deposit: 1,000 USD
Group size: Minimum 4 and maximum 14
Availability: Spaces available for August 2023
Expedition Leader: Michael Westerbjerg Andersen, owner and founder of Miksture Expeditions
Tour dates, prices, single supplement rates, approximate flight costs and spaces available for this tour are displayed on our website. Please see under IMPORTANT NOTES below.
The tour fee includes:
Guiding by Miksture/Michael Westerbjerg Andersen;
Transportation according to program in Mongolia in private 4WD vehicles by 3-4 clients with experienced driver;
Domestic flights: Ulaanbaatar - Hovd // Hovd - Ulaanbaatar (Day 9)
Accommodation in Mongolia (11 nights);
All breakfast, lunch and dinners in Mongolia from Day 1 to breakfast Day 12;
Necessary permits sites and other paperwork;
Services of tour leader;
Local expert guides
Snow Leopard trackers
Road tolls
Administration from Miksture;
Field instructions and assistance;
National Park entrance fees;
Mineral water during the stay in Mongolia;
Practical information and packing suggestions;
Visa support.
The tour fee does not include:
International flights to/from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia;
Alcoholic beverages and soft drinks;
Visa fees;
Personal expenses for eventual extra arrangements not mentioned in the program;
Travel insurance – mandatory!;
Money for own expenses and anything strictly personal (e g laundry, phone calls, any excess luggage charges, snacks).
Single Supplement: The single supplement cost for this tour will be charged if you wish to have single accommodation. Pls contact Miksture. If we cannot provide you with a rooming partner for these nights although you choose to share, the single supplement will become applicable. We will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that a rooming partner is found if you do wish to share.
IMPORTANT NOTES: a) Due to constantly fluctuating exchange rates, we quote our tours in USD. The tour price is however fixed only in the currency printed in bold, and the actual cost in the other currencies listed will be adjusted according to prevailing exchange rates at the time of final invoicing (usually 4 months before the tour.) The same applies to approximate flight and single supplement rates, which are also quoted in the respective fixed currency. b) Rates are based upon group tariffs; if the tour does not have sufficient registration a small party supplement will have to be charged. c) Furthermore, these costs are subject to unforeseen increases in tour related costs and may have to be adjusted as a result. d) Lastly, we may be forced to change or alter the itinerary and / or the designated Miksture leader/s at short or no notice due to unforeseen circumstances; please be aware that we will attempt to adhere as close to the original program as possible.
Special Notes: It is important for the comfort and domestic airport transfers of your fellow travellers that you do not over-pack. Kindly, if possible, stick to 20kg (44lb) for check-in luggage and 8kg (+-18lb) for hand luggage.
Fitness: In general this tour does not require a high level of fitness, but participants should be in good general health. Should you have any physical limitations, please notify us in advance of departure.
This tour departs from Ulaanbaatar in the early morning of day 2. It is thus imperative to arrive the day before the tour begins. The tour will conclude after arrival to Ulaanbaatar Airport (Day 12). The information in respect of arrival and departures is a guide only. Precise arrival and departure information will be send to you in your Tour Confirmation package once the tour has been officially confirmed. if you wish to arrive early and/or depart late and would like assistance in this regard, kindly contact the Miksture office. -
Visa requirements differ by country, nationality of the traveller and duration and purpose of your intended stay. It may be necessary to obtain a visa or electronic travel authorisation in advance of your travel. It is therefore vitally important that you check with Miksture for exact visa requirements.
This tour does not include any International airfares. The main tour will commence and conclude in Ulaanbaatar. Please DO NOT book any flights until you have consulted the Miksture office for confirmation on the status of the tour.